Too much fun to blog
I am sure most of you have recognized that the blog hasn’t been updated in a while. And those of you that follow us...
We’ve had several friends ask us to write a food blog during our travels, but we already had the sail blog and we wondered who would really want to see pictures of the food we eat. We’ve never considered ourselves to be “foodies.” We like to cook food and we love to eat at restaurants, but we seldom seek out specific food when we travel. Wines maybe, but usually not food. This year, all that has changed. We ask people for recommendations on where to eat, we read gourmet websites on the areas we are going to be in, we book restaurants in advance to be certain that we can get in. We take pictures, and make notes, on the dishes we like so we can try to duplicate them when we get home. We keep a list of the restaurants we enjoy to share them with friends. It appears that we have become “foodies.” We’re not sure what caused the transformation. Perhaps it is because the food in Europe isn’t cheap and we want to make sure our money is well spent. It might be that the food here can be hit or miss, some great, some not great, so it’s best to be informed. Maybe it’s because getting off the boat for a meal can be such a big event that we want each time to be the best possible experience. Or it could be that we are eating in unusual or exotic locations, making food much more than simply fuel. Whatever did bring about the change, making the effort to seek out good restaurants has added a lot of value and pleasure to our cruising. So in an attempt to break up the monotony of our boat, island and water photos, we decided to spice things up with some food pics.
Rabbit in garlic wine sauce – Valleta, Malta