Terceira – Angra do Hermiso

Terceira – Angra do Hermiso

Azores Portugal After a week in Horta it was time to leave, so at 5:30 am, about eight boats from the ARC rally, including Berkeley East, set out for Angra do Hermiso on the island of Terceira. It was a 70-mile trip, but we lacked wind and had to motor most of the way. The […]

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Pico – The Orchard of the Azores

Pico – The Orchard of the Azores

Madalena Pico Azores While in Horta, we could sea the island of Pico just to our East. The massive volcanic peak, actually the tallest point in Portugal, was usually shrouded in clouds. But one day when the weather cleared we took the local ferry over for a day tour of the island. We had been […]

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Bermuda to Azores Recap

Bermuda to Azores Recap

Horta, Faial Azores With the passage from Bermuda to the Azores behind us, and after a little land time and a lot of wine, I thought I would look back and try to recap the crossing with the wonder of hindsight. Overall, we had a great passage. It was rougher and faster than we expected, […]

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Arrived in Horta

Horta Azores We arrived in Horta at 4:01 pm local time. Leg 2 from Bermuda to the Azores complete. Just over 1900 NM in 11 days. We have cleared in and are berthed in the marina. Now on to dinner and then a quiet nights sleep in a bed that is not at a 20 […]

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Halfway Across the Atlantic Ocean

Rough as Promised The weather forecast said it would get rougher and it has. We are in our 4th day of stormy conditions with winds in excess of 30 knots with gust occasionally exceeding 40 knots. With just the storm sail and small piece of main sail we are maintaining good boat speed, and are […]

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Halfway Across the Atlantic Ocean

In route to the Azores Last night we crossed the mid point in our passage from the US East Coast to Europe. We were roughly 2,000 miles from both. Fortunately, our next stop, a small group of Portuguese islands called the Azores, is less than 750 miles away. While the first few days of the […]

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Will She or Won’t She

In route to the Azores – Mary Most people who know me wondered if I would go on this Atlantic Passage, especially since I was very open about my complete and utter desire NOT to go. But in the end, I couldn’t send Larry thousands of miles offshore with unknown crew. Even people you know […]

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Bye Bye Bermuda

Bye Bye Bermuda

In route to the Azores Unfortunately we were so busy while in Bermuda that we left without doing a blog update. This entry is being sent remotely from Berkeley East, 900 miles off the US East coast. In short, we loved Bermuda. It is a beautiful, clean and the people are extremely friendly. (We will […]

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Faial Azores – The Blue Island

Faial Azores – The Blue Island

Horta Azores We were met by the ARC rally crew, and Splendido, when we arrived in Horta, the main sailing port on Faial. It’s great to have someone to guide you in and catch lines after being at sea for 11 days. We did a quick check-in with the marina, customs and immigration and were […]

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Bermuda Arrival

Bermuda Arrival

St George, Bermuda The plan was to begin looking for a good weather window starting on May 1st for the passage to Bermuda. As it turned out, the weather looked good for departing on May 1st so we headed. While we had planned to do this leg alone, we had some last minute changes and […]

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