2010 Recap – Our Third Year of Cruising.

2010 Recap – Our Third Year of Cruising.

Our adventure has turned out to be even more than we expected in many ways. In the summer of 2009, after returning from the Caribbean and Venezuela, we developed our plan for the next few years. While we had enjoyed the last two years of island life in the Caribbean, we were looking for something […]

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Finally, An Update.

Finally, An Update.

Spain Recently, we have received numerous complaints that this blog has not been kept up to date. We appreciate that people follow our travels so closely, but we make no apologies. When we started documenting our cruising adventures aboard Berkeley East, more than three years ago, we promised ourselves that we would not be slaves […]

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Learning to Love Sangria

Learning to Love Sangria

Balearic Islands, Spain Neither of us has ever really cared much for Sangria. The ones we’ve had in the past were just too sweet. Adding sugar and fruit to perfectly good wine seemed like a waste. But when we arrived in Spain, everywhere we went, people were drinking Sangria, white wine Sangria, red wine Sangria, […]

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Festivals in Menorca

Festivals in Menorca

Menorca, Spain Menorca is the north, and east most, island in the Balearics. While it is the second largest island, it is quieter and has far less tourists then Mallorca or Ibiza. After pounding our way to the north of Mallorca, we waited for calmer seas before heading to Menorca. As a result we hade […]

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Historic Mallorca

Historic Mallorca

Mallorca, Spain Mallorca is the largest island in the Balearics, often likened to a continent, rather than simply an island, due to the variety found there. We went to Mallorca to meet up with our friends Mike and Linda on Aquila and spent more than a week traveling, on land and by sea, to visit […]

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Ibiza – More Than Nightlife

Ibiza – More Than Nightlife

Ibiza, Spain Ibiza is known for its wild nightlife, and during August people come from all over Europe to party. Expensive clubs, foam parties, the stories are infamous. Our experience in Ibiza was great fun, but a bit more mild than the island’s reputation. We sailed completely around the island enjoying quiet calas (coves), beautiful […]

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Formentera – Natural

Formentera – Natural

Formentera, Spain Just nine miles long, Formentera is the smallest of the Balearic Islands and has a population of 5,000. Unlike some of the other islands, Formentera’s strength lies not in history, culture or tourism, but in its landscape, with more than 60% of it protected by law. Ferries bring visitors from Ibiza all summer […]

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The Balearic Islands, Spain

The Balearic Islands, Spain

The Balearic Islands consist of four main islands, Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, and several smaller islets. Located some 65 miles from the Spanish mainland, the islands stand at a crossroads to the Mediterranean, where they were plundered and colonized by numerous groups until Catalan settlers landed there in the 13th century. Their close proximity […]

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Together Again

Together Again

Balearic Island, Spain During the 1990’s, we lived in a nice little suburb in Simi Valley, California. One night, we had our next-door neighbors over for pizza and realized that we all had a love of sailing and the desire to cruise the world on a sailboat one day. During the seven years that we […]

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Islas Balearics, Boats and Blue Mud

Islas Balearics, Boats and Blue Mud

Espalmador, Spain When we left the coast of Spain for the Balearic Islands, we were unsure which island we would go to. As the winds picked-up and we made good time, we decide we could make the extra distance to Espalmador. Espalmador is a small, private island with one long white sand beach and it […]

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