Who cut the cheese?
Parma, Italy Part of selecting Fano, Italy as the winter marina for Berkeley East was so we could travel in the...
VESSEL: “The problem is the Captain is crazy!”
This was one of the first things we heard after leaving Marina di Ragusa, Sicily to begin our 2013 cruising season. Bound for Siracusa, on a nine-hour passage to shake the cobwebs out of Berkeley East, the distress call over the VHF took us by surprise. “Vessel calling Malta Radio – What is the problem?” “The problem is the Captain is crazy!” The question was asked, and answered, exactly like that several times. “The problem is the Captain is crazy!”
It is very likely that this sentiment has been felt on just about every boat at one time or another. With the flexible nature of cruising, and the unpredictability of wind, sea and human beings, even the most logical decisions can later be deemed insane. Like the idea that we could return to our winter marina and have Berkeley East ready to go in just one week. In looking at the To Do list, it seemed practical, but when one factors in gale force winds in the marina, with the occasional hail storm, seven days easily turned into 17 and the Captain’s plan seemed a bit nuts.
Then there was the attempt to wax BE’s hull from the dingy while the boat was heeled. In retrospect, this probably looked ridiculous to some passersby who quietly suggested to us that it might not be the best day for waxing. Luckily the Captain choose a calm day to go up the mast and put up the sails.
A view of Berkeley East taken by the crazy Captain from on top of the mast, 74 feet above the water, hanging from a halyard”
The wildest proposal yet was to leave Siracusa, one of Italy’s most beautiful and charming cities, two days after arriving. That was just plain silly. The Captain was crazy!
A better plan was to stay in Siracusa and enjoy ourselves, to pretend we are retired, cruising on our boat in the Mediterranean, with no schedule, just living the dream. Imagine that!
Berkeley East at anchor in Grand Harbor Siracusa, Sicily