Too much fun to blog
I am sure most of you have recognized that the blog hasn’t been updated in a while. And those of you that follow us...
42 02.777’N:70 11.014’W
With the weather getting cooler, we began our trip south with a sail from Portland, Maine to Provincetown, MA. This is where the Pilgrims arrived in the new world and the Mayflower Compact was signed. During this trip we saw, dolphin, schools of jumping tuna and whales. No luck catching the tuna as we were going too fast and the only interest we got in our lure was from a passing bird.
After a couple of days in Provincetown, we headed back through the Cape Cod Canal, Buzzards’ Bay and Wood’s Hole towards Martha’s Vineyard. As we approached Wood’s Hole the fog rolled in, which made this difficult pass even more exciting.
Once through Wood’s Hole, we were surprised to find an 867 foot cruse ship anchored in the fog (right in our route to Edgartown).