Birds. Birds. Birds.
Islas de Aves Islas de Aves are two separate little island archipelagos separated by about 10 miles of deep water....
The weather forecast said it would get rougher and it has. We are in our 4th day of stormy conditions with winds in excess of 30 knots with gust occasionally exceeding 40 knots. With just the storm sail and small piece of main sail we are maintaining good boat speed, and are relatively comfortable.
The best way to describe the last few days is rolly, bumpy, wet and windy. The waves are on them beam right now and the rain is pouring down. Through it all we have made good progress and are hoping for arrival in Horta late Sunday May 30th, but that is still a long way away in these conditions.
Previous Comment
30 May 2010 – Richard Gotthoffer
Glad you made it to Horta. One waypoint had you heading back west, worried it was a major break or injury. Sounds like a great passage