It Came Out of Nowhere
Monte Carlo Monaco We were sitting quietly at the dock in Port Fontvieille, Monaco, when Berkeley East suddenly...
With visitors on their way, we were on a schedule, but we made quick stops to explore Sorrento, Positano and Amalfi. It was the third week of August and we noticed a big change. It was actually more crowded and it was hot, like an oven, with no wind.
Sorrento stands on a plateau that drops sheer into the sea. Due to its proximity to Naples and Pompeii, it is a popular tourist destination. We explored the nice town, but saved land excursion of Naples for later in the year.
Positano could possibly be the most picturesque Italian town that we have ever seen. We enjoyed the view so much that we didn’t even go into town. We also didn’t want to spoil our image of the perfect place in Italy by visiting in August, so in our minds, Positano is perfecto!
Amalfi was a good stop to pick up visitors, so we made a reservation for at a marina. We were surprised when a dinghy came out to meet us, a man stepped aboard and said, “I’ll drive.” We usually don’t let anyone else drive Berkeley East to a dock, but he insisted that he knew best. Then he said “We will be close to land, but don’t worry.” He began to weave BE through the tiny marina. We held our breath, maybe even shut our eyes, as we pulled so close to a restaurant that diners could have stepped aboard. It was a tight fit, but very convenient for dinner.
Amalfi is a colorful, attractive town. It is a very popular tourist destination in August, even cruise ships anchor off and drop thousands of passengers for daytime visits.
There are some beautiful sights, but we were there for boat work and provisioning, neither of which were simple tasks in such a small town. But we like a challenge and in the end, shopping in ten different stores was fun.